I’m back with another WIP Wednesday!

Since my last post lots has happened mainly involving moving to a new flat. The one we used to live right in the centre of London (brilliant) was tiny, cold and dark flat (not so good). Due to a ridiculous increase in rent we’ve moved out east and I now have a 40 minute commute (not so bad) and we’re living in a slightly bigger, lighter and warmer flat (much better).

Travelling on the tube rather than walking to work has reminded me why I started knitting socks – they really are the perfect travelling project!

So, my works in progress (or WIPs) this week are…
Short socksThese are little socks which I started ages ago and found when I was packing to move. I’m only knitting them on the tube so they they are taking a little longer than they would if I was knitting them at home too but nearly there!

My first mystery project which I am loving! It is Roxanne by Liz Abinante a designer who knitters may know from her Travelling Women shawl. I’m using Malabrigo sock yarn for the first time and I am sure it won’t be the last because I am finding it great to work with and the semi solid is showing up the texture really well. I have knit Clue 1 and 2 repeats of Clue 2. The 3rd clue is will be published on Friday and then the final the following Friday. After this I will be on the look out for more mystery knit-a-longs!Clue 2

A Liesl by Ysolda that has been on hold for a while because I broke a needle but I’ve got a replacement now…
I also have my Swedish Fish Mitts by SpillyJane which are coming along very slowly but are looking pretty cool. I discovered after one attempt that these were not suitable for knitting on the tube at all – too much potential for getting in a tangle. I have learnt to do two handed stranded knitting to make these and they are looking pretty even so far. This was the YouTube clip I found most helpful.Fish glovesLast but certainly not least I have a small project on the go in the form of a sock blanket using a simple but very effective pattern by the Skein Queen. I have cast on enough stitches for it to be wide enough to fit our huge bed and using up the remarkable amount of 4ply I appear to have acquired.Sock blanket yarnThis project will be a WIP for some time I think!Sock blanketThat’s all for today but for more WIP Wednesday posts see Tami’s blog.

5 thoughts on “I’m back with another WIP Wednesday!

  1. Your spillyjane mittens are fantastic! If I had mittens like that, I wouldn’t mind the long cold winters of Illinois quite so much! Which of your projects has priority right now?

  2. First off, YAY on moving to a sunnier flat! I’m sure it’s well worth the commute (and you will be away from the craziness of the Royal Wedding too! LOL) All your projects are beautiful, but the sock blanket is amazing. It’s gorgeous so far.

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